Afareen Praise; also means to create
afsAneh A fairy tale
afsar Crown
afshAn To sprinkle
afsoon Charm, spell, bewitchment
aghigh (A) Name of a stone
Ahou/Ahoo Deer
akhtar Star; also name of a flower
akram (A) Honourable; great
AlAleh A flower
AnAhitA Goddess of water
anusheh/anoosheh Happy, fortunate
ArA Ornament, decoration
Arezoo Wish
arghavAn Redish Purple
armaghAn Gift
ashraf (A) Nobler or Noblest
AsA Like, similar to
asal Honey
Assieh The name of Pharoah's wife who educated Moses
Atefeh (A) Affection
atifeh (A) ???
AtoosA Name of an Iranian princess
AvA Voice,call
Avizeh A pendant
AzAdeh Free
Azin Accessories (usually jewlery)
AzitA Name of an Iranian princess
Azar Fire, 9th month of the Iranian calendar
BahAr Spring (season)
BahArak Small Spring (season)
BahAreh Someone who brings the spring (or a sprint flower)
BahAmin/BahAmeen Spring
Banafsheh A flower (Violet)
BAnou Lady
BeetA/BitA Unique
BehnAz Best coquetry
Behrokh Best face
BehbahA Best price
Bolour Crystal
Bousseh Kiss
ChalipA Cross
DaryA Sea
DelArAm Quiet-hearted
Delbar Charming, Sweetheart, heart-ravisher
Delkash Fascinating, attractive
DeenA/DinA Dinah; also means judge
DonyA World
Dorri A sparkling star glittering like a gem
EhterAm (A) Respect
ElAheh (A) Goddess
ElhAm (A) Inspiration, revelation
ElnAz ???
Fakhri (A) Glory
Farah (A) Joy, hapiness, cheerfulness
FarahnAz Joy
Farangis A female character in Shahnameh
FaribA Charming, enticing
Farideh Unique, precious
Farkhondeh Happy, joyous
Farrin Glorified
FarzAneh Wise
FarAnak A character in Shahnameh, Fereidoun's mother
FarnAz Splendid coquetry, glorious coquetry
FAtemeh (A) The name of Mohammad's daughter
Fereshteh Angel
FilA Lover
Firouzeh/Feerouzeh Turquoise
FojAn/FozhAn A loud voice or sound
Forough Brightness
ForouzAn Shining
Forouzandeh Shining
GelAreh Eyes
Ghamzeh Coquetry
GhAssedak A flower (Dandelion)
GhazAl Gazelle
GhazAleh Gazelle
Ghodsi Holy, sacred, angel
Ghoncheh Bud of the flower
Gisou/Geesou Women's hair,ringlet,tress
GitA/GuitA A kind of song
Giti/Guiti World, universe
GolbahAr Spring flower
Goli Rose-colored, rosy
GolnAr Flower of the Pomegranate tree
GolnAz Cute like a flower
GolnessA ???
Golpari ???
Golshan A flower garden
GordiA A female character in Shahnameh
Habibeh (A) Beloved
HAideh (A) Repentent
HAleh (A) Halo
Hamideh (A) Praiseworthy
Hastee/Hasti Existance
Hediyeh Gift
HengAmeh Uproar, wonder, marvel causing admiration
HodA (A) ???
HomA Phoenix, A bird from fables
HomeirA (A) ???
Hormat (A) Honour
Houri Fairy
ImAn (A) Faith
IrAn Iran
IrAn-dokht Daughter of Iran
Jannat (A) Paradise
Jamileh (A) Excellent talents
JavAneh Sprout, young
KatAyoun A female character in Shahnameh
KhandAn Smiling
KhAtereh Memory
Khorsheed Sun
Khojassteh Royal
KimiyA Alchemy
KobrA (A) Major
Kowkab/Kokab (A) Star, celestial body
LAdan A flower
LAleh Tulip
LeylA/LailA/LeilA (A) Nocturnal
Leily/Layly/Laily Nocturnal, one who does anything by night
LidA ???
LilA The lilac tree
Lily/Lili A flower
Mahasti The moon's being
MAhdokht Daughter of the moon
MahlaghA/MahleghA (A) Face of the moon
Maheen/Mahin Greatest
MAhrokh Whose face is like the moon, beautiful
MahkAmeh ???
MahnAz The moon's glory
Mahnoosh ???
Mahsheed Moon, moonlight
MahsA Like the moon
MahtA Moon-like
MahtAb Moonlight
Mahvash Moon-like; a beauty
Malakeh Queen
Maliheh (A) Beautiful
MAnA Alike, similar; also name of a God
MandAna Name of a princess
MAnee/MAni A painter who later claimed to be a prophet
Manizheh A legendary female character in Shahnameh
MarjAn Coral
MarjAneh Coral
Marmar Marble
Maryam/Mariam A flower (Tuberose)
Marzieh (A) Satisfactory, agreeable
Masoumeh (A) Sinless, Innocent
MastAneh Drunken (More like joyful)
Mastoureh (A) Veiled, chaste
MehrAngiz To cause affection
MehrnAz The sun's glory
Mehrnoosh ???
Mehry Sun; also Affectionate, kind
MeshiA Butter made of sheep's milk
MinA Enamel,blue glass(lapis lazuli)
Minoo Paradise, heaven
MitrA Name of a God/Goddess
MozhgAn Eyelashes
Mozhdeh Good news
MonA Name of a God
Moneer/Monir (A) Shining
Moneereh/Monireh (A) Shining
MorvAreed Pearl
NAdereh (A) Rare
Naghmeh Melody, song, tune
NahAl A young plant
NAheed/NAhid A star, the planet Venus
Nargess A flower (Narcissus )
Naseem/Nasim (A) Breeze
NastarAn A flower much like a wild rose
Nasreen/Nasrin A flower (a wild rose)
NavA Tune
Nayyer Radiant
NAzAfarin Producing delight
NAzanin Sweetheart
NAzgol Cute flower
NAzhin Name of a tree
NAzy Cute
NAzillA Cute
Negeen/Negin The precious stone on a ring or other Jewlery
NegAr Sweetheart
NegAh Look
NedA Voice,call
NeshAt (A) Joy
Niloufar A flower (Water Lily)
Niki Goodness
Nikoo/Nikou Good, Beautiful
NiyooshA A listener
Noor/Nour Light
Noushin Sweet
NoushAfarin Creator of joy
Oldooz A Persian-Azerbaijani name meaning star
Omeed/Omid Hope
Oranous One of the 9 solar plannets
Orkideh Orchid
Padideh A phenomenon
Parand Silk
Parastoo A bird (Swallow)
Paree/Pari Fairy
Pareechehr Having a face like a fairy (beautiful)
Pareerou Having a face like a fairy (beautiful)
PareesA/ParisA Like a fairy
Pareevash Fairy-faced
Parto Ray of light
ParvAneh Butterfly
Parvin Name of a constellation
PegAh Dawn
PeymAneh Wine cup
Peyvand A joint, a connection
Pouneh/Pooneh A flower
Poupak A kind of bird
PourAn A successor
PourAn-dokht A female character in Shahnameh
Pouri A successor
RahA Free
RanA (A) Elegant, of elegant stature
RAmesh Rest; cheerfulness
RasA Expressive
RavAn Soul, spirit
RimA/ReemA ???
ReyhAneh/RayhAneh (A) A flower
RobAbeh (A) Name of an instrument
Roshanak Small light
RoudAbeh A character in ShahnAmeh (Rostam's mother)
RoxAnA/RoksAnA light (in farsi roshanAi) Name of a Iranian princess
RoyA (A) Dream, vision
SabA (A) Zephyr; a gentle breeze
Sadaf (A) Sea Shell
Saeedeh (A) Happy, prosperous,lucky
Sahar (A) Dawn
SahbA Wine
SAghar Wine cup
SalmA (A) Sweetheart
SAlomeh Salomeh
Saman Jasmin
SamilA ???
Samin/Sameen (A) Precious, expensive
SamirA ???
Samireh (A) Evening entertainments
Sanam (A) Idol
SAnAz A flower
SArA (A) Sarah; also pure, excellent
  (applied to gold, ambergris, musk)
SarvenAz Name of a tall, slender tree; also a beautiful girl
SAyeh Shade, Shadow
SeemA/SimA Face
SeetA/SitA ???
Sepeedeh/Sepideh Dawn, the first appearance of light in the morning
SetAreh Star
ShAdAn Happy, joyful
ShAdee/ShAdi Happiness
Shabnam Dew
ShaghAyegh (A) A flower (Poppy)
Shahin/Shaheen Royal
ShahlA A dark-eyed woman
ShAhzAdeh Princess
ShahnAz The king's loved/favorite one
ShahrbAnou Lady of the town (good)
ShahrnAz The town's loved/favorite one
ShahrzAd City-born
Shalizeh ???
Shams Sun
SharAreh Single spark
Sheefteh Enamoured, fascinated, charmed, captivated
Shervin ???
SheydA Lovesick
SheevA/ShivA Charming
Shideh/Sheedeh Bright, luminous; the sun
ShimA ???
Shirin/Shireen Sweet; pleasant, gentle; delicate
Shirin-bAnoo Sweet lady
Sholeh Flame
Shohreh (A) Famous
Shokoufeh Blossom
Shokouh Splendour; magnificence
ShoukA A kind of deer
Simin Silvery, made of silver
Sogand Oath, Pledge
SoheilA (A) Star
SorayA Name of a constellation
SoudAbeh A legendary female character in Shahnameh
SoulmAz A Persian-Azerbaijani name meaning never wilts
Souri/Suri Red Rose
Sussan/Soussan A flower, Lily of the valley
SouzAn Burning, flaming
TAhereh (A) Pure, chaste, clean
Tahmineh A female character in Shahnameh,Rostam's wife
TalA Gold
TalAyeh (A) Golden ray of sun; also advance-guard
TannAz (A) Coquettish
TArA Star
TarAneh Song
TarsA A worshipper of fire; also a Christian
Tayyebeh (A) Good deed
TeenA/TinA Clay
ToubA/ToobA (A) Name of a tree in paradise; also excellent, best
ToucA Name of a bird (Toucan)
TourAn Name of a place in Shahnameh
VandA Wish, desire
Vida/Veeda Found, evident; also little, few
YaldA Name of the longest night of the year
YAsaman Jasmin
YAss A flower, Jasmin
YegAneh Unique, single
YektA Unique, single
ZahrA (A) Boldness
Zari Brocaded Silk
Zarrin Golden
Zarrin-dokht Golden girl
ZeebA/ZibA Beautiful
zhAleh/JAleh Dew
Zhila/JillA ???
Zohreh The planet Venus
ZoyA ???